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2014年成人高考专升本《英语》答案(网友版1)  来源:  作者:中国教育在线  2014-10-27    

  1、accuse 2、move 3、southern 4、stage 5、collision 6、that 7、made 8、have 9、you can8.where 9.made 10、except 11、much 12、would have finished 13、 second 14、largest 15、however 16、 because of 17、age 18,in the long run 19, expected 20,lead to

  21、areas 22、afund 23、b 24、defermvne 25、c-o 26,individuals 27, yet 28, on 29,that 30,rid 31, deadly 32,vio 33,mandered 34,years 35,worthy 36,explain 37,May 38,Osteria 39,第二短的句子 40,to fright 41,facing a ...42,最长的句子 43,第二长的句子 44,one story 45,a story magazine 46,characters..,47,writting 52,prediabetes~ years 53, exercise 54,110 55,Health 56,its a wonderful day 57,what makes the day so ... 58,congratulations 59,Thanks 60,I'm proud of you

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