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北京2011年成人英语模拟题四  来源:  作者:  2011-04-13    

  Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

  Directions:In this part,there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  16. ______ the fact that the area had been hit by the severest drought in twenty years,a fairly good harvest was gathered in.

  A. In spite B. Despite

  C. In spite that D. Despite of

  17. I objected ______ the meeting without him.

  A. to have B. to having C. having D. have

  18. There was no sense ______ him to come early since everything was ready.

  A. to ask B. to have asked

  C. in asking D. being asking

  19. ______ her inexperience,she has done quite a good job.

  A. Provided B. Given C. Seen D. Suppose

  20. The movie star ______ with your sister,didn't he?

  A. was used to dance B. used to dancing

  C. used to dance D. was used to dancing

  21. Every means ______ since then.

  A. has been trying B. have been trying

  C. have been tried D. has been tried

  22. “I'd like to buy an expensive camera.”

  “Well,we have several models for you ______ .”

  A. to be chosen from B. of choice

  C. to choose from D. for choosing

  23. The picture reminds me ______ the time we spent together in New York.

  A. of B. in C. for D. to

  24. I owe you some money. Let me pay you ______  now.

  A. back B. for C. in D. to

  25. Alone in a deserted house,he was so busy with his research work that he felt ______ lonely.

  A. nothing but B. anything but C. all but D. everything but

  26.______ ,the new electronic device they designed is now in regular operation.

  A. With the solved problem B. With this problem being solved

  C. With the problem solved D. With this problem to solve

  27. We are looking forward to ______ to the lecture by the famous professor.

  A. send B. be sent C. being sent D. sending

  28. I suddenly realized that he was trying to ______ quarrelling with me.

  A. consider B. enjoy C. avoid D. prevent

  29. It was not a serious accident;our car needs only some ______ repairs.

  A. major B. secondary C. minor D. primary

  30. We've ______ sugar. Ask Mrs. Jones to lend us some.

  A. run away with B. run down C. run off D. run out of

  31. It is necessary that an efficient worker ______ his work on time.

  A. accomplishes B. can accomplish

  C. accomplish D. has accomplished

  32. Mother insisted that ______ .

  A. they are to be back before nine in the evening

  B. they ought to be back before nine in the evening

  C. they be back before nine in the evening

  D. they had to be back before nine in the evening

  33.______  can be judged from her eyes,she has no personal hostility to us.

  A. It B. As C. Which D. That

  34. The politician urged that all citizens______  to the polls on election day.

  A. had gone B. went C. must go D. go

  35. No one doubts ______ he is the best leader in the company.

  A. whether B. if C. what D. that

  36. Frankly speaking,I'd rather ______ you anything about it for the time being.

  A. didn't do B. haven't C. didn't D. have done

  37. Henry looked ______ very much when he was caught cheating in the biology exam.

  A. discouraged B. embarrassed

  C. disappointed D. bewildered

  38. The Anti-Japanese War ______ in 1937 and it ______ eight years.

  A. was broken out;lasted B. broke out;lasted

  C. broke;remained D. had been broken out;kept

  39. Hardly had he finished his speech ______ the audience started cheering.

  A. then B. when C. than D. as

  40. The child was  ______ immediately after supper.

  A. so tired that he went to bed B. enough tired to go to be

  C. too tired to go to bed D. very tired,he went to bed

  41. I did not choose any of the three ways,because I found ______ satisfactory.

  A. neither of them B. either of them C. none of them D. none of it

  42. How we ______ a chance to visit your great country!

  A. looked for B. longed for C. waited for D. went for

  43. Don't ______ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

  A. reject B. prevent C. hesitate D. refuse

  44. Children shouldn't leave their toys on the floor. They should ______ .

  A. put out them B. put off them C. put them away D. put them off

  45. The traveler brought back some ______of the rocks  from the mountains.

  A. samples B. specimens C. selections D. examples

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