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06年北京成人本科学士学位英语统一考试B卷  来源:  作者:  2006-11-27    

Part I Reading Comprehension30%)

Passage 1

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

(76) The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists (经济学家). It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worded intensively. Thus , each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scope for specialization and the development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.

One of the difficulties in carrying out a world-wide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate, whatever the consequences may be. In the highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birth rate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. (77)When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.


  • A smaller population may mean _______.
    • higher productivity, but a lower average income
    • lower productivity, but a higher average income
    • lower productivity, and a lower average income
    • higher productivity, and a higher average income
  • According to the passage, a large population will provide a chance for developing _______.

A. agricultureB. transport systemC. industryD. national economy

  • In a developed country, people will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate _______.

A. goes upB. is decreasingC. remains stableD is out of control

  • According to the passage slowly rising birthrate perhaps is good for ________.

A. a developed nation

B. a developing nation

C. every nation with a big population

D. every nation with a small population

  • It is no easy job to carry out a general plan for birth control throughout the world because ______.
    • there are too many underdeveloped countries in the world
    • underdeveloped countries have low level of industrial development
    • different governments have different views about the problem
    • even developed countries may have complex problems


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