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The Office Programme

2010-01-06 来源:BBC中国网

Recently, I have been watching a British TV drama, The Office, which makes me more interested in British culture. What I want to know is how popular this TV drama was in the UK, and what do British think of it?

Wangquan, Wuhan


In July 2001, a comedy drama called The Office was aired on the BBC 2 TV channel in the UK.

Set in a fictional paper production company, based in an industrial town outside London, the story follows the daily lives of the employees of this company.

At the beginning, the programme was nearly cancelled due to poor ratings, however it became one of the most successful TV comedies and was exported to many different countries around the world.

Actor Ricky Gervais in The Office

What's your boss like?

So what do people think of The Office, what makes it such a success?

Helen and Feifei ask ordinary people for their views, many of whom have office experience.

When you’ve listened to the programme, try to see if you can answer the following questions.

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