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2015-07-24 来源:BBC中国网

英超以51.36亿英镑的天价敲定巨额电视直播权,售价超出上次合约的百分之七十一,再创历史新高。在10日结束的电视直播权拍卖会上,天空电视台付出42亿英镑购买了七个套餐中的五个,其竞争对手英国电信则付出9亿英镑购买了其余的两个。以下是BBC 记者Kamal Ahmed 的报道:

In terms of the division between Sky and BT for live football on television, the announcement was not much of a surprise. The split – Sky, 126 matches over three years, BT 42 – is similar to the present deal. In terms of the money paid though, it is a shock. Most analysts were predicting a price for buying the rights of £4bn compared to £3bn in 2012, the last time the rights were bid for. Richard Skudamore, the Premier League’s Chief Executive revealed it was going to be a lot higher this time.

The high cost reveals how important live football has become for paid television. In 2012 BT shocked the market by muscling into a sector which Sky had traditionally dominated. They have retained that significant presence. Sky does though still hold the bulk of the rights and will broadcast the majority of Premier League games when the new contract begins at the start of the 2016 season. They will pay the equivalent of £1.4bn a year, which is more than 80% more than they paid in 2012.

Football fans will be concerned that the high price paid will mean higher costs to watch football. Both businesses insist that they are cash-rich and can afford the new deals. The Premier League will be celebrating – more cash from the broadcasters means more cash for Premier League football clubs and the stars they pay many millions of pounds to employ.

Glossary 词汇表

division 划分,分配

deal 合同,合约

analysts 分析家

predicting 预言

bid 投标

revealed 透露

muscling into 攻入

dominated 垄断

significant presence 占据重要地位

majority 多数

equivalent 等价,相当于

cash-rich 现金充裕

to employ 雇用

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