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2011成人学位英语定语从句练习题  来源:  作者:  2011-04-29    


  1. The reason          I can't come is that I have to prepare for the coming exam.

  A. for        B. as          C. because       √ D. why

  The reason why…  有时why可用that代替

  2. She studied hard at school when she was young,         contributes to her success in her career.

  A. that         B. so that          C. so        √ D. which

  Contributes to 为…贡献(捐献)

  3. An investigation was made into the accident,         fifty people were killed.

  A. where       B. when       √C. in which    D. for that

  4. I've got a bottle of beer ,but I haven't got anything           I can open it with.

  √A. that           B. what        C. where      D. which


  5. All members         are admitted to the auditorium.

  A. have got tickets                B. that had got the tickets

  √C. that have got the tickets          D. who have got the tickets

  6. Sound waves travel in the air in much the same way          water waves spread on the water.

  √A. as      B. that       C. where      D. in which

  the same …as…

  7. Writers can accurately describe objects           have never seen.

  A. who       B. if they        √ C. they      D. that

  8. It wasn't such a good present        he had promised me.

  A. that        √ B. as       C. which        D. what

  Such +n.+ …as…

  9. Perhaps the day will come          people will be able to breath e clean air in cities.

  √A. when       B. while     C. as      D. since

  先行词为the day ;

  10. To make up an objective test,the teacher writes a series of questions,          has only on correct answer.

  √A. each of which     B. come of which     C. which     D. what

  信号词为has ;

  11. All         is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

  A. what is needed     √ B. that is needed

  C. for our needs     D. thing needed

  12. Evidence came up          specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.

  A. which          B. what          √ C. that        D. when

  Evidence 证据;specific 明显的;

  13. The goals          he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.

  A. for that    √ B. for which    C. for what     D. of them

  14. Those were the soldiers          to save the town.

  √A. whose responsibility was    B. in whom there was a responsibility

  C. whose was the responsibility    D. from whom the responsibility

  15. The person         you were talking to was an American.

  A. who         √ B. whom           C. which        D. as

  16. Einstein was one of the greatest men          ever lived.

  A. who        √ B. that           C. whom        D. he

  泛指人时常用that ;

  17.Most of the electronic devise of this kind,          manufactured or this purposes,are tightly packed.

  A. which is      √ B. as are      C. what are    D. they are

  18. Scientists call Newton's idea           gravitation reaches throughout the universe the law of universal gravitation.

  A. when       B. which       √ C. that        D. where

  19. English words are not always spelt             .

  √A. the way they sound             B. the way they to sound

  C. the way they are sounding        D. as they are sounding

  20. Snowdonia is a seashore city            you can enjoy yourselves much by visiting the local scenic spots.

  A. why            B. which       √ C. where        D. so


  21. The time is not far away           modem communications will become widespread in China's vast countryside.

  √A. when            B. before        C. until        D. as


  22. A higher crime rate exists in cities          a large percentage of unemployment.

  A. where have   √ B. that have   C. which they have   D. that having

  23. The inflation made it hard for us to buy the necessities             .

  A. which need us       √ B. that we need         C. what we need       D. as we need

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