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2011成人学位英语动词时态练习题  来源:  作者:  2011-04-29    


  1. By this summer ,Elizabeth            here for ten years.

  A. will work    B. works  √C. will have worked  D. has worked

  2. After Jackson           for half an hour,he came to the conclusion that Mrs.Bennet was not coming.

  A. waited    B. was waiting     C. has waited √D. had been waiting

  Come to the conclusion 得出结论;

  3. I hope you           the instructions ready before I come tomorrow.

  A. waited    B. was waiting     C. has waited    √D. had been waiting

  4. “Has john finished writing his composition?” “No,          and it two hours ago.”

  A. should be finished      B. should have finished

  C. should finished         √D. should have been finished

  5. I'm meeting Even tonight. I              a Russian before.

  A. didn't ever meet      √B. have never met

  C. have ever met        D. never met

  6. All the apparatus             before the experiment began.

  A. have been tested      √B. had been tested

  C. were tested          D. had tested

  7. We'll leave as soon as it              raining.

  A. is stopping      √B. stops      C. will stop       D. shall stop

  8. We've already sent out he invitation cards,but we don't know how many people             .

  A. come          √B. are coming     C. came      D. have come

  9. No sooner            than the accident happened.

  A. he had gone   √B. had he gone   C. his going    D. he went

  10. I had hoped Mr. Smith           me an early reply.

  A. gave     B. to give     C. giving   √D. would give

  11. Until yesterday,Miller's family              from him for six months.

  A. hasn't heard     B. hasn't been hearing

  √C. hadn't heard     D. didn't bear

  12. Tailor looks sleepy. He must          to bed very late last night.

  A. had gone     √B. have gone     C. be going    D. go

  13. I           yesterday,but I was suspended by an unexpected visit.

  A. came         B. did come       √C. was to come      D. come

  14. I don't know what Jeanie          at this time tomorrow.

  A. does    B. is doing    √C. will be doing   D. will do

  15. Hardly           when the bus suddenly pulled away.

  A. they had got to the bus stop        √B. had they got to the bus stop

  C. did they get to the bus stop         D. they got to the bus stop

  16. Mother doesn't know how much time I have spent in watching TV;if she ever found out,I'm sure            .

  √A. she'd never forgive me          B. she never forgive me

  C. she'll never forgive me          D. she does never forgive me

  17. The teacher told the students that the Earth          round the Sun.

  √A. moves    B. moved    C. has moved   D. has been moving

  18. While the secretary          his desk,he found the long lost report.

  A. had been cleaning    B. is cleaning

  C. has been cleaning    √D. was cleaning

  19. As soon as he          his error,Rockfeller made the necessary corrections to his data collected.

  A. discovered   B. has discovered

  C. has promoted    √D. was cleaning

  20. Fred believed that his friend           by his employer a month or so ago.

  √A. discovered   B. has discovered   C. has promoted    D. was cleaning

  21. I think I'll wait until the mail           .

  A. should come     B. is coming     √C. comes       D. will come

  22. We could have bought a new are last year,but we really             it.

  A. can't afford    √B. couldn't afford

  C. won't afford    D. unable to afford

  23. If you don't pay your taxes ,they             .

  A. have you arrested (逮捕)            √B. will have you arrested

  C. must have you arrested         D. have you arrest

  24. I           meeting you ever since we parted.

  A. was looking forward to     √B. have been looking forward to

  C. had been looking forward to       D. looked forward to

  25. They told me that by the end of the month they           in this flat for 12 years.

  A. has lived                       B. will have lived

  C. has been living             √D. would have been living

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