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2015-07-24 来源:BBC中国网

国际奥委会取消了对夏季奥运会最多不得超过28个比赛项目的上限。此决定是国际奥委会在摩纳哥举行的两天会议上表决通过的改革奥运40点计划的一部分。以下是BBC记者 Richard Conway 的报道:

Could this be the moment that squash and baseball have been waiting for? In agreeing to lift the cap on the overall number of sports, the IOC has opened the door to the inclusion of new Olympic disciplines.

However, they insist the present number of athletes at a Games must not increase, and the number of events must stay at around 310.

That will likely herald a turf war between individual sports in the coming years as they all fight to maintain and preserve their Olympic status.

Measures to reduce the costs of bidding and staging the games have also been approved, allowing certain sports to be held in a different country if deemed more cost effective.

Glossary 词汇表



turf war地盘(名额)之争




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