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今日短语:Soaked to the skin 湿透了

2015-09-30 来源:BBC中国网


  Wearing wet clothes in cold weather for long period of time can increase the risk of hypothermia. This is when our body loses heat very quickly and it’s difficult to stay warm. If you get wet in cold weather, find somewhere dry, get out of your wet clothes, and stay as warm as possible.

  在寒冷天气中长时间穿着湿衣服会增加体温过低的风险。这是因为我们的身体热量流失的速度比它产生热量的速度要快。所以如果你在寒冬被淋湿了则应该尽快换上干衣服或者找到温暖干燥的地方烘干衣服。短语 soaked to the skin 的意思是“全身湿透了”,像落汤鸡一样。


  It's pouring with rain out there. I'm soaked to the skin!

  We went to see Niagara Falls on our trip to Canada and got so close we were soaked to the skin.

  A bus drove right through a massive puddle when I was next to it. I got soaked to the skin!


  另一个表达 soaked to the bone “都湿到骨头了”也可以用来形容“全身湿透了”。


  Alan left his umbrella at home and ended up soaked to the bone!

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