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2013年12月英语四级听力真题(Passage 3原文)新东方    新东方  2013-12-14    



  Passage 3
  On March 13th, while on duty Charles Mclocklin, a very careless driver employed by the company Lummis was involved in another accident. The accident occurred in Riverside California. Not paying attention to his driving, Mclocklin turned right on main street and 33rd street and hit Volkswagen rabbit. This caused minor damage to his truck and serious damage to the car. On the basis of the police report, the Lummis accident committee correctly determined that Mclocklin had been quite careless. As a result of the committee’s conclusion, the branch manager Mr. David Rossi reported that he had talked with Mclocklin about his extremely poor driving record. Further evidence of Mclocklin’s irresponsibility occurred on May 6th when he was returning from his shift. That day he ran into a roll-up door at the Lummis facility in Valero, causing significant damage to the door. Damage to the truck, however, was minor. Finally, on June 7th, Mclocklin once again demonstrated his carelessness by knocking down several mail boxes near the edge of the company’s parking lot. There was damage to the mailboxes and minor damage to the truck. Mr. David Rossi stated that he had spoken with Mclocklin on several occasions about his driving record. He added that he had warned Mclocklin that three preventable accidents in one year could lead to his discharge, as indeed it should.
  23. What did the Lummis accident committee find out about the accident that occurred on March 13th?
  24. What did Mclocklin do on June 7th near the edge of the company’s parking lot?
  25. What is most probably going to happen to Mclocklin?






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