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雅思口语话题卡解析:A Good Law  无忧雅思网    2009-11-11    




  ① What the law is?  什么法律/规定/政策?

  Tips: Policy is a kind of law in the West, but breaking this law would be called a "misdemeanor"  (a minor crime) instead of felony. For the purposes of the Speaking test, I think it would be suitable to use the "One Child Policy" as an example of a "law" because examiners would not know the difference!  ----Chris Green



  New Labour law 新劳动法                 Traffic Laws 交通法

  Environmental Protection law  环境保护法    Taxation law 税务法

  New plastic-bags standards塑料袋使用规定

  One Child Policy 独生子女政策

  ② When it went into effect? 何时实施的?

  实施 + 时间:

  Come into force

  Go into effect

  Become effective

  Take effect

  New Labour law 新劳动法:Jan, 2008

  New plastic-bags standards 塑料袋使用规定:  June, 2008

  ③ What contents? 什么内容?


  第几章第几条:chapter, article


  New labour law 新劳动法

  The new law greatly limits the use of short-term contracts. The new law allows employers to assign only two consecutive fixed-term contracts. After that the employer must offer the employee an open-ended contract.

  The LCL imposes severe restrictions on the use of probationary periods in the employment relationship. Probationary periods are permitted, but the length is limited. Furthermore, an employee can only be subject to a single probationary period by a single employer. Wages during the probationary period must also be no less than 80% of the contract wage.

  New plastic-bags standards  塑料袋使用规定

  New standards forbid supermarkets and shops from handing out colorized plastic bags. Authorities say those bags are mainly made of wasted plastics which will pollute the environment. The standards also have other industrial requirements. For example, plastic bags should have a thickness of no less than 0.025 millimeter, so that they can be reused. Enterprises fail to conform to standards will face severe punishment.

  ④ And explain how good you think this law is. 该法律/规定/政策的好处.

  New labour law 新劳动法

  Chinese workers are increasingly aware of their rights

  these laws seem more favorable to workers

  The LCL has been actively publicized and employees are well informed about their rights under the new law.

  try to redress the balance of power between workers and employers.

  For example, mines and construction sites have been getting a lot of attention for several years now. workers were clearly being abused. All of this represented a source of social instability, and I think they just decided they couldn't afford it. So they decided to get at one root cause: the lack of contracts.

  Implementation and enforcement are traditionally the weakest points of labor law in China.

  New plastic-bags standards 塑料袋使用规定:

  China's new standard is to change consumers' shopping habits.

  If everyone can use just one plastic bag a day, he or she can save around 300 bags a year. And that would mean as much as a 2-thirds reduction in the use of plastic bags for the entire country.

  Mainly aimed at protecting the environment.

  Stop the "White pollution".


  ①What the law is:    <Road Traffic Safety Law>道路交通安全法

  <One Child Policy>独生子女政策

  ②When it went into effect:

  ③What contents

  reward of only child policy 独生子女的政策奖励

  force implement 强制执行

  impose a penalty on sth 超生罚款

  ④ And explain how good you think this law is.

  <Road Traffic Safety Law>道路交通安全法:

  It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality. 有一种说法我认为是对的,每当人们手握方向盘的时候,他们的个性就显露出来了.

  Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents. 只有制定更严格的法律才能防止事故发生.

  Creating a safe, harmonious, orderly and convenient traffic environment. 创造安全、和谐、有序、方便的交通环境.

  Drunken driving may cause traffic accident and death. Strictly abide by traffic law will guarantee a safe driving. 酒后驾车会导致交通事故及死亡,严格遵守交通法规保证驾驶安全.

  <One Child Policy>独生子女政策 :

  Reducing the population 减少人口

  favorable to economic growth 有利于经济增长

  one-child policy has helped the fight against global warming by avoiding 300 million births. 独生子女政策减少了三亿人口的出生, 帮助阻止全球变暖.






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