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2011年英语专业八级真题参考答案:写作部分      2012-02-14    



  2011专八真题作文部分:Should famous Chinese sites of historical interest charge higher fees during peak travel seasons?

  In the first part of essay you should state dearly your main argument,and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part,should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary

  With social and economic development, our people have more time and money to visit famous sites of historical interest. Their visits, on the one hand, can enrich their own life and meanwhile bring the sites substantial incomes. On the other hand, too many visits, especially during peak travel peak when there are more visitors, have caused huge problems. One solution to this is to charge higher fees during peak travel seasons, which I think is necessary and I am in complete favor of this decision.

  As we all know, today there is no entrance fee charged for many parks in our country while almost all famous sites of historical interest still need an entry fee. Some people can not accept this for they think that both parks and famous sites of historical interest are part of public services. They should have free access to them or at least shouldn’t pay too much for the visit since they have already paid taxes to the government. Then it is far impossible for those people to allow the sites to charge higher fees during peak travel seasons.

  On the surface, the arguments that people opposing to entry fees charged for famous sites of historical interest hold seem reasonable. But in fact, those people have ignored the unique features of famous sites of historical interest which normally imply ample historical and cultural values. Those sites differ from common parks. The relics in these sites are precious and fragile to destroy, and usually need special and professional preservation and administration, which turn out to be an expensive exercise that constantly demands resources. Entry fees must be charged. During peak travel seasons, there is no better measure than raising the entry fees to reduce the number of tourists. The purpose of charging higher fees is to stop some people’ visits so as to better protect the valuable relics and at the same time ensure the safety of the tourists. It is obvious that some people will give up their visits considering the higher fees. Here economic means are applied to conserve precious things at the sites of historical interest in an appropriate and sustainable way.

  In a word, due to the unique features of relics and the need of the sustainable protection of sites of historical interest, we must control the number of visitors, especially during the peak travel seasons when there are too many tourists, to diminish the impact of human activities on these sites to its lowest level. And charging higher fees during the peak travel seasons, an effective economic means of regulation will be of great importance.






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