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美国再爆枪击案 迈阿密男子枪杀四人后自尽  新华网    2009-03-16    



Man shoots four dead in Miami

  A man shot four people dead at a house in Miami, Florida shortly after midnight Sunday, then he drove home and killed himself, police said.

  Miami police spokeswoman Kenia Alfonso told reporters that four people were shot and killed at about 12:15 a.m. local time (1615 GMT), while they were at a house in the Little Havana District.

  Witnesses saw a red Toyota pick-up truck leaving the area just before officers arrived, she said.

  The alleged killer then drove to his home, setting his vehicle and the home on fire, and then turning his gun on himself.

  Detectives said the incident appeared to be a murder-suicide, and they believe it is domestic-related because one of the victims was the gunman's estranged wife.

  Abel Loredo, who owns the building where the suspected gunman lived, said the man had lived there for five years and had always been on time with the rent.

  He said the man had moved to South Florida from Cuba about a decade ago and worked as an electrician.

  Neighbors of the alleged gunman say the couple never had any problems with the police and like to barbecue in their yard.

  The man's wife and her son had lived with him at some point, according to Loredo but it was unclear if they were still living there.

  It's the second deadly murder-suicide shooting rampage in a week in the United States.

  A man killed 10 people, including five of his own family members, before taking his own life in Southern Alabama last Tuesday.










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