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双语文摘:躲开护肤的七个误区    沪江网  2010-01-29    




  误区一:Expensive Products are Better Because the Ingredients are Better。


  All cosmeticscontain standard cosmetic ingredients. They can't contain anythingelse, as drugs do, or they would be regulated differently. Thequality levels of cosmetic ingredients don't vary that much, andevery company that buys cosmetic-grade ingredients all buy the samequality. Expensive cosmetics are predominantly allhype。


  Estée Lauder Crème de la Mer is a very costly cream that doesn't contain anything particularly extraordinary or unique, unless you want tobelieve that seaweed extract can be worth huge sums of money.Seaweed extract is neither a rare nor expensive ingredient. Howexpensive can it be to stick some seaweed extract, mineral oil,glycerine, plant oils, minerals and vitamins into a jar?


  误区二:For BestResults You Should Stick to One Product Line。


  Another fallacy promoted by sales reps. Certainly, you may love how all the products work together but using products from different lineswon't kill you. Every cosmetics line has products you should avoid because they contain irritating ingredients,inadequate amounts of sunscreen, or moisturisers that over-saturate the skin. Experiment and find the products that are right for you。


  误区三:Dry SkinCauses Wrinkles。


  Around eighty percent of lines and wrinkles are caused by the sun. The othertwenty percent are the result of facial expression_r_r_rs such assmiling and frowning. If you smoke, the appearance of thesewrinkles is accelerated. Also, as one ages the skin makes lessnatural oil and this makes the wrinkling more apparent. Amoisturiser will help temporarily smooth away some early finelines. Protect yourself from the sun, and you impede the development of fine lines. Remember, a tan is your skin's reaction to an injury。


  误区四:Everyoneneeds Moisturiser。


  According todermatologists, you only need a moisturiser if your skinexperiences the following: redness, scaliness or itchiness. Thesesymptoms are more frequently seen during the colder seasons. That everyone needs a moisturiser is a multimillion dollar myththe cosmetic companies propagate in order to make you hand overyour hard-earned cash。


  误区五:Soap isBad for Your Skin。


  Traditionally,soap was a mix of animal fats and fruit or vegetable oils. This combination has a higb PH and is drying to skin, particularly toaging skin. These days, however, soaps are formulated with synthetic elements that are milder than traditional soap, and therefore suitable to cleanse skin. Most soaps have emollients (moisturisers) added, so they are beneficial for theskin. If you prefer the feeling cleansing with soap provides,don't let those purveyors of fine skincare bully you--there's nothing wrong with using soap。


  误区六:It Can BeToo Late to Start Wearing Sunscreen。


  The cumulative effect of the sun's rays causes a multitude of damage to skin, butit's never too late to start protecting skin from the sun. There isclinical evidence that once you start protecting the skin,it has the ability to repair itself. This repair is notgoing to happen overmight; it's a gradual process that can take acouple years to yield significant results. Do your skin a favourand start the day with a layer of sunscreen. And remember to wear sunscreen during the winter. Just because you don't feel the sun'srays, doesn't mean its harmful UVA and UVB rays are not penetrating your skin. If you can see shadows, you need to protect your skin。


  误区七:Eating Chocolate and Fried Foods Causes Bad Skin。


  Studies have shown that pimples are caused from factors such as extremestress or dead skin cells blocking pores. However, eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables does promote a healthier complexion due to their vitamins and minerals。







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