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  【What you do】

  1. I'm a / an (+ job).

  e.g. a nurse / an accountant / a builder

  2. I work in (+ place or general area).

  e.g. a hospital / an office marketing / social

  3. I work for (+ name / place of the company).

  e.g. Union Bank / IBM / Fiat / an international bank

  【What your job involves】

  4. I'm in charge of

  e.g. a big company

  5. I'm responsible for

  e.g. some workers in that department

  6. I have to deal with

  e.g. any complaints / overseas clients, mainly

  7. I run

  e.g. the company / a restaurant

  8. I manage

  e.g. a shop in downtown

  【Daily duties / routines】

  9. I have to go / attend (fml)

  e.g. (to) a lot of meetings / conferences

  10. I visit / see / meet

  e.g. patients / clients

  11. I advise

  e.g. people / clients and give them help...

  12. It involves

  e.g. writing letters / filling in forms / doing a lot of paperwork / using computers a lot of the time

  【Getting a job】

  13. It's not easy to get / find work

  e.g. in big cities / round these parts

  14. I'd love to do

  e.g. marketing / this kind of work

  15. It's difficult to make a living as a / an

  e.g. freelance writer

  16. I've been offered a job

  e.g. in that company / in London

  17. I've applied for a job

  e.g. in a local company / in the accounts department

  【Working hours】

  18. I have a nine-to-five job / I work nine-to-five

  (regular working hours in Britain)

  19. I do / work shift work.

  (nights one week, days next)

  20. I am on flexi-time.

  (flexible working hours)

  21. I have to do / work overtime.

  (work extra hours)

  22. I only work part-time / take a part-time job.

  (part of a day or a few days a week)

  23. I am a workaholic. I work full-time.

  (work too much)

  24. I took early retirement.

  (retire at 55 in Britain)

  25. I am on / take sick leave.

  (a period spent away from work, etc. because of illness)

  26. I am on / take maternity leave.

  (expecting a baby)

  27. I gave up work

  e.g. in order to study

  28. I was laid off

  e.g. when the factory went bust

  29. I was made redundant.

  (no longer needed and therefore out of work)

  30. I was dismissed

  e.g. for refusing to obey orders

  31. I was fired

  e.g. for always being late

  I am on / off duty.

  (to be working / not working)



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