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调查:东京上班族每天睡不足6小时    环球时报  2010-12-13    



  Tokyo business people sleep less than overseas peers

  According to the Reuters on December 8, people in Tokyo on week days sleep just under six hours on average, suggests a survey made by a Japanese company.

  People in Shanghai sleep the longest, seven hours and 28 minutes. Those in New York sleep six hours and 35 minutes, the second shortest after Tokyo.

  Many Japanese business people are forced into long days by hours of overtime followed by after-hours drinking sessions and then a long commute home, although the survey found that commutes in New York were about equally long. Tokyo trains in both mornings and evenings are full of dozing commuters, heads bobbing. Some even manage to nap standing up as they cling to overhead rails.

  "In Shanghai, people simply seem to go to sleep earlier. Everyone in all the cities gets up around the same time in the mornings, between 6:30am and 7:00am," said the spokeswoman, "In Tokyo, on top of the long days, people seem to do things after they get home as well, like playing computer games. They don't sleep until after midnight."

  Not surprisingly, when asked what was most important in their lives, Japanese gave "sleep" the top ranking. By contrast, both New Yorkers and Shanghai residents said "time with their family" came first.

  The survey was conducted online between July and August, covering nearly 900 workers in their 30s to 50s.






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