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英语专业四级考前模拟试题(4)    恒星英语  2012-04-17    



  CLOZE[15 MIN.]

  Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank on your ANSWER SHEET.

  All Americans are at least vaguely___26___with the plight of the American Indian. Cutbacks in federal programs for Indians have made their problems___27___more severe in recent years. Josephy reports, “___28___1981 it was estimated that cutbacks in federal programs for Indians totaled about $500 million” or more than ten times the cuts affecting their___29___fellow Americans. Additional cuts seem to be threatened in the future. This reduced funding is affecting almost all aspects of reservation life,___30___education . If the Indians could solve their___31___problems, solutions to many of their other problems might not be far behind. In this paper the current status of Indian education will be described and___32___ and some ways of improving this education will be proposed.
  Whether to___33___with the dominant American culture or to preserve Indian culture has been a longstanding issue in Indian education. After the Civil War full responsibility for Indian education was turned over by the government to churches and missionary groups. The next fifty years became a period of___34___assimilation in all areas of Indian culture, but especially in religion and education .
  John Collier, a reformer who agitated___35___Indians and their culture from the early 1920s until his death in 1968, had a different idea. He believed that instead of effacing native culture, Indian schools should encourage and___36___it.
  Pressure to assimilate remains a potent force today,___37___. More and more Indiansare graduating from high school and college and becoming___38___for jobs in the non-Indian society. “ When Indians obtain the requisite skills, many of them enter the broader American society and succeed. ”___39___approximately 90 percent of all Indian children are educated in state public school systems.
  How well these children compete with the members of the dominant society, however, is another___40___.

  26. A. agreeableB. regardless C. familiarD. sympathetic

  27. A. evenB. ever C. greatlyD. further

  28. A. SinceB. Up toC. BeforeD. By the end of

  29. A. non-IndianB. IndianC. previousD. former

  30. A. exceptB. regardingC. besidesD. including

  31. A. culturalB. educationalC. socialD. severe

  32. A. estimatedB. evaluatedC. settledD. decided

  33. A. agreeB. push forwardC. assimilateD. deal

  34. A. enforcedB. overallC. contemptuousD. unbelievable

  35. A. in favor ofB. on behalf ofC. side by side withD. far behind

  36. A. realizeB. assimilateC. acknowledgeD. revitalize

  37. A. yetB. furthermoreC. howeverD. just the same

  38. A. availableB. reachableC. suitableD. eligible

  39. A. In the futureB. In the pastC. At presentD. Maybe

  40. A. questionB. issueC. aspectD. matter






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