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温家宝总理参加“世界读书日”活动  新华网    2009-04-24    



On World Reading Day, Premier Wen Jiabao encourages Chinese to read more




  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, an avid reader, encouraged citizens to read more and be studious and selective in their reading on World Reading Day, which fell on Thursday.

  Wen made the remarks when visiting a branch of the Commercial Press and the National Library in Beijing Thursday.

  Books are the crystallization of human wisdom and reading is important in promoting an individual's accomplishments and state of mind, improving citizens' quality and strength, and shaping a country's future, he said when visiting the National Library.

  There's no hope for individuals and the nation if citizens do not read, he said.

  When talking to the young people in the library, Wen said people should find time to read.

  An individual could at least spare half an hour reading about three to four pages, and hence reading more than one hundred pages in a month and several books in a year, he said.

  He said the promotion of reading was significant amid an unprecedented global financial crisis. Overcoming this crisis requires not only material power, but also spiritual power.

  He said fundamentally, it needs people, the power of knowledge and scientific and technological revolution to conquer this financial crisis.

  Reading warm people's hearts and boost their confidence, he said.

  He also advised readers to be selective, choosing books from insightful writers and those that were well-written, as well as those that had stood the test of time.






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