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双语盘点:未来可能发生地震的地区    沪江网  2010-02-05    




  Los Angeles 洛杉矶

  Earthquakes have always been part of Los Angeles' past — and its future. The geologic record indicates that huge quakes occur roughly every 150 years in theregion. Los Angeles has done a lot to beef up its building codes and emergency response in the 15 years since the Northridge quake andmay be better prepared than any other major U.S. city, but its sheersize ensures that the next Big One will be bloody。


  Tokyo 东京

  Japan's four main islands get hit regularly with earthquakes of varying strength, and most Japanese live in extraordinarily dense cities. That puts more people squarely in a danger zone — nowhere more so than in the capital of Tokyo, which has a population of 13 million.A major quake struck the city and its surroundings in 1923, killing asmany as 150,000 people. Although Japan has vastly improved its infrastructure since then and has the strictest building codes in the world, a similar temblor — which seismologists believe is almost inevitable — could kill more than 10,000 people and cause more than $1 trillion in damages。


  Tehran 德黑兰

  Allof Iran lies within a major earthquake zone, and the country hassuffered terrible temblors before. But a similar quake in the congestedcapital of Tehran would be a shattering catastrophe. Unlike building codes in other endangered cities such as San Francisco and Tokyo, Tehran's are relatively lax, and many residents live in the sort of unreinforced-concretehouses that turn into death traps in the event of a strong quake. TheIranian Health Ministry once estimated that a 7-magnitude quake woulddestroy 90% of the city's hospitals。


  Pacific Northwest 西北太平洋沿岸

  Cascadia sits on top of major faults, and although it doesn't get hit very often, the region has seen massive quakes before. The geologic record indicates that a catastrophic quakehits Cascadia only about every 500 years, but the cities of the PacificNorthwest, like Seattle and Vancouver, are far less prepared than SanFrancisco and Los Angeles for a major earthquake, so when the nextpowerful temblor comes around, the region could suffer。


  Indonesia 印尼

  It's called the Ring of Fire, a semicircle of violently shifting plates and volcanoes that runs along the edges of the Pacific Ocean, from New Zealand to Chile. The most seismically active region on the planet, the Ring of Fire has triggered countless quakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.Indonesia, a region that has been hit repeatedly by massive temblors,most recently a 7.6 earthquake in September that killed more than 1,000people. Sadly that's a relatively small quake death toll by Indonesianstandards — and seismologists expect more to come in the future。









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