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2015两会代表精彩语录七 刘翔:我们为了金牌投入了太多

  China is still not a world sports power although we have won a massive haul of gold medals at the Olympics. To win those medals, we have invested too much funding and too many resources, which appears to be disproportionate compared to what we gained through the medals. The way China develops competitive sports should be reformed with a cost-effective approach.


  Liu Xiang, member of the CPPCC National Committee and 110 m hurdle Olympic champion


  I think the most important part of the report is the remarks about further reform, especially the reforms of administration, simplifying the administrative approval process to increase the efficiency of the administration. For us, the Silk Road Economic Belt is an especially important project. I am happy to hear that the premier mentioned it twice in the report. We would like to participate in the project.


  Wojciech Jakobiec, first secretary of the embassy of Poland in China

  波兰驻华使馆一秘Wojciech Jakobiec

  The government did a wonderful, excellent job last year. China is growing. I expect that the economy will further grow. This year's APEC meetings have been held in the Philippines. We are for an inclusive growth and we would like to move forward all the initiatives that we put forward here during China's APEC chairmanship. China could always play a constructive role in the growth in the Philippines.


  Erlinda F. Basilio, Philippine ambassador to China


  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


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