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SAT写作素材:意大利航海家哥伦布  智课网    2016-05-18    



  今天为大家准备了“SAT写作素材:意大利航海家哥伦布”, 供各位备考SAT的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!





  Genoa was an important seaport. There is no doubt that as a child he caught rides on ships. He had little schooling but was a genius with the sea. His plan was not to prove that the world was flat, but it was to find a shortcut to the Spice Islands. He wanted to establish a city there for trade, seaports, and much more. When he grew into a man he was interested in sailing to Asia by going west. First he went to the king of Italy and presented his idea before him. Italy wasn't looking for a way to Asia, they were still recieving riches from their old trade routes. His three ships were the Santa Maria, the Nina, and the Pinta.

  One-Tank Trip: Columbus, Ga.

  Pensacola News Journal - 路FOUNDED/ESTABLISHED: 1828. 路HISTORY: This city, named for Christopher Columbus, is located on a bluff overlooking the Chattahoochee River. It is the third largest city in Georgia and the fourth largest metropolitan area in the state. Coca-Cola ...

  Little League team has full support from Columbus

  Philadelphia Enquirer - COLUMBUS, Ga. - Georgia schools students usually are allowed no more than five non-excused absences before they are considered truant. The boys of summer from Columbus who are still swinging away in the Little League World Series have been given the ...

  City: Knights fall in Columbus

  Toledo Blade - COLUMBUS - St. Francis de Sales outgained Columbus DeSales by 187 yards, but DeSales' special teams were superior in knocking off the Knights 24-21 last night in a season-opener. After Knights quarterback Matt Meinert hit Mike Jesionowski for a six ...


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