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诗人-阿尔杰农·斯文本  可可英语  佚名  2015-09-06    



Algernon Swinburne was a self-destructive drunkard and had some decidedly odd, perverse interests. He had noble forebears, was educated at Eton and Oxford (and nearly expelled from the latter), and spent time traveling in France and Italy. Much of his life was spent living with the drug-addicted artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti on Cheyne Walk in Chelsea before being forced to retire an invalid with the poet Theodore Watts-Dunton.


He was only 160 centimeters (5 ft) tall, suffered fits and tremors, lived on the edge of his nerves, and drank to excess, often until unconsciousness. His work is associated with decadence and regarded these days as overwritten, full of lush alliteration and internal rhymes. Swinburne specialized in exploring and glorifying themes that were shocking to Victorian tastes, some of which seem a little extreme even today. He had a particular taste for flagellation and liked to boast about indulging in bestiality and pederasty. His novel Lesbia Brandon was unpublished until the 1950s, and his 1868 collection Poems and Ballads contained work praising paganism, lesbianism, bisexuality, sadomasochism, cannibalism, and hermaphroditism so graphic that his publisher withdrew it from print.


French writer Guy de Maupassant met Swinburne in 1868 while he was living in Normandy. The first time they had lunch together, Swinburne showed Maupassant his extensive collection of illegal pornography, served monkey for lunch, and showed where his other pet monkey slept with Swinburne's lover. During the meal, Swinburne played with a flayed human hand. When Maupassant returned a few days later, he found Swinburne's lover shooting at a black man in the garden, while the pet monkey had been hanged from a tree. At lunch, he was fed liquor so strong he was nearly knocked out. He made his excuses and fled.







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