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揭秘航天员首个太空生活24小时  新华网    2008-09-27    



Chinese trio's first day of space adventure

  人间一昼夜,天上16日。 在发射升空的24小时里,神七航天员经历了16个日出日落,飞行了大约68万公里。


  The sun always rises. Twenty-four hours into their space adventure, the three Chinese taikonauts on board the Shenzhou-7 spaceship have witnessed sunrise and sunset for 16 times in their 680,000-kilometer journey.


  Despite a challenging mission slated on Saturday -- the nation's first attempt on a space walk, the trio, Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng, kept "quite relaxed and spirited" since they were sent into orbit at 9:10 p.m. Thursday, officials with the Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) said.



  Since Shenzhou-7 blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest Gansu Province, the three men, all aged 42, have had three meals over the past 24 hours.

  Compared with their predecessors in the previous two missions of the country's manned space program, the Shenzhou-7 taikonauts are quite spoiled with a spicy 80-dish menu.

  Their nutritionists have disclosed that their choices range from Kung Pao Chicken, deshelled shrimp to frozen dry fruits. For vinegar-loving Jing, the seasoning is well at hand, as various seasoning and sauces are provided on board. Jing is from northern Shanxi Province, where vinegar is a favorite condiment for locals.

  Compared with Jing, Nie Haisheng, an astronaut on the Shenzhou-6 mission in 2005, was not that lucky. "I missed very much my favorite spicy foods and garlic sauce during my flight," Nie recalled.

  What's more, the Shenzhou-7 taikonauts will not need to worry for half-cooked rice as Nie ate in his mission. The food heater onboard Shenzhou-7 has a stronger electricity supply than that on Shenzhou-6 as it is connected to the main power supply, which will make sure their rice can be fully cooked.






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