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海外媒体关注中国航天事业新飞跃  新华网    2008-09-27    



Overseas media focus on China's launch of spacecraft Shenzhou-7 


  Overseas media have given wide coverage to China's successful launch of its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 on Thursday.

  The successful launch of Shenzhou-7 hit headlines of world media while journalists from 10 overseas media agencies such as Reuters and the Associated Press covered Shenzhou-7's takeoff at Jiuquan on Thursday night.

  The BBC said in an article titled "What's driving China space efforts" that the launch of Shenzhou-7 is another reminder of China's growing confidence and capability in space.

  It delivers a message to the traditional space powers: after a slow start, China is rising fast, the article said.

  The BBC quoted Dean Cheng, a senior Asia analyst at Washington D.C.-based think tank CNA as saying that a wide-ranging space program showed the rest of the world that China had arrived on the international stage.

  The article quoted Roger Launius, a senior curator in the division of space history at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington as saying that "It is a demonstration of technological virtuosity. It's a method of showing the world they are second to none."

  The Swedish News Agency TT hailed China's successful launch of Shenzhou-7, saying the space mission is of significance for Chinese astronauts and exerts a "great influence" at home and abroad.

  It noted that China has stressed that its manned space program is a peaceful mission of a scientific and economic nature without any military purpose.

  French TV Channel 2 said spaceship Shenzhou-7 blasted off carrying with it China's achievement and pride. The first ever space walk by Chinese astronauts marked a historical breakthrough and elevated China among space powers in the world.

  The leading Chinese-language newspaper in France, Nouvelles d'Europe, said China's launch of its third manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 has not only made the dream of the Chinese people for space flight come true, but also illustrated the nation's dauntless spirit for exploration and triumph.

  The newspaper said that Chinese leaders have all along expressed China's firm determination to utilize space peacefully and its wish that no weapons of any form would appear in outer space.

  It noted that while addressing the UN General Assembly, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao reiterated twice that China does not seek hegemony now, nor will it do so in the future and that China is committed to a path of peaceful development.

  The article added that overseas Chinese have rejoiced over the space mission.






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