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刘翔黄金联赛上海站复出 或缺席柏林世锦赛  新华网    2009-04-08    



China's Liu Xiang almost sure to skip Berlin worlds

  China's hurdling star Liu Xiang will return from injury at the IAAF Shanghai Golden Grand Prix on September 20, his first race after the shock withdrawal from the qualifying heat at last year's Olympic Games, organizers said here on Tuesday.

  Shi Derong, a top official of the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix, told reporters that Liu will put the event as his first race after the Beijing Olympic Games.

  It means that the Athens Olympic champion will not be able to defend his world title at the Berlin world championships in August.

  The 25-year-old Liu just returned to Shanghai early in March following three months in the United States, where he underwent an operation in December to repair his Achilles tendon, which forced him to pull out of the Beijing Olympics.

  But Liu's coach, Sun Haiping, said that Liu's hope for the Berlin worlds is still not dead.

  "I hope the Shanghai Grand Prix will be his first race after the injury. But if he recovers well, it is still possible for him to compete in Berlin," Sun said.

  "Everything depends on how he will recover in the coming months," Sun said.

  Sun also said that Liu must run inside 13.20 seconds before qualifying for the world championships.

  Liu competed in the world championships four times from 2001. He won the bronze in 2003, silver in 2005 and gold in 2007.

  His title in Osaka two years ago is also the only one for Chinese men's track and field in the world championships history.

  The Shanghai Golden Grand Prix was inaugurated in 2005 and has been held four times. Liu, who won twice in 2005 and 2006, did not enter the race last year.





  此前,孙海平在多个场合表示,刘翔今年肯定复出,但还没有确定在哪一场赛事复出。此前他也否认刘翔放弃柏林世锦赛。不过在谈到刘翔能否参加世锦赛时,孙海平曾表示,一则要看刘翔能否彻底恢复,二则刘翔的成绩需要达到13.20秒。自从北京奥运会退赛以后,刘翔在国际田联的排名一路下挫,目前仍在 100名外。






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