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诗人-加布里埃尔·邓南遮  可可英语  佚名  2015-09-06    



we come to fascist crackpot Gabriele D'Annunzio. He was named after an angel but turned out to be a grotesque and sinister individual, having claimed, among other things, to have eaten the flesh of children. As a writer and poet, he was admired by Proust and Joyce. His 48 volumes of work explore the sensuous, brutal, erotic, and just plain bizarre. Needless to say, his works were banned by the Vatican.


He found academic work easy—he could write to his parents in six languages by the age of 16, but he also developed a contemptuous eye for the rest of the human race. Influenced by Nietzsche, he viewed himself as a superman above the common herd.


D'Annunzio entered politics in 1897, fled to France over debts in 1910, and became a fighter pilot during World War I. In this period, he became prominent for his nationalist and proto-fascist views. He believed it was necessary for Italy to win international respect by sacrificing the lives of its young in battle. His overblown rhetoric, racial views, balcony addresses, and use of black-shirted supporters to attack opponents were a big influence on Mussolini, who later sent D'Annunzio gifts including a plane and part of a battleship for his garden. His maddest venture came in 1919, when he and his supporters established their own city-state at Fiume after the Paris Peace Conference had given it to Croatia. D'Annunzio ran the city with a bizarre mixture of fascism and aestheticism. He instigated racially exclusive policies and a leadership cult while simultaneously including music as a fundamental part of the constitution and having the flowers around his bed changed thrice daily.


He was notably priapic, but he treated his conquests with disdain. He went through wives, actresses, and courtesans, and he expected sex with his housekeeper three times a day. It was rumored that he had ribs removed so that he could fellate himself. His final lover turned out to be a Nazi agent, who possibly killed him with poison.







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