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诗人-托马斯·怀亚特爵士  可可英语  佚名  2015-09-06    



Wyatt played the dangerous game of sex, money, and power that constituted court politics under Henry VIII. He made his life even more dangerous by competing with the king for the hand of Anne Boleyn. After all, Henry's enemies had a habit of ending up with their heads separated from their bodies.


Wyatt was a courtier and companion of Henry VIII from the age of 13. He was married at 17 and separated soon after. Some sources say that he had become the lover of Anne Boleyn by 1522, not long before she turned Henry's head. At least four poems by Wyatt are believed to refer to Anne, including the sonnet “Whoso list to hunt . . . ” that conceptualizes her as a deer hunted by many suitors but belonging solely to Caesar.

怀亚特从13岁起就是亨利八世的朝臣和玩伴。他17岁结婚,不久便离婚。传闻说1522年他成了安妮的情人,但没过多久,她移情别恋了亨利。怀亚特的诗中至少有四首是写安妮的,包括“Whoso list to hunt…“, 诗中他把她比喻成小鹿,受到众多人追逐,却只属于凯撒。

His diplomatic career reflected his falling in and out of favor with the king. He was sent away from court to France in 1526 and to Italy in 1527, where he was captured by troops of the Holy Roman Empire. During Anne's fall from grace in 1536, Wyatt was imprisoned for associating with her and viewed her execution from his cell. In 1539, he was the lead plotter in a plan to assassinate the Catholic Reginald Pole using intricate ciphers and poisons. By 1540, he was back in prison for treason. His later mistress was also rumored to have been taken by Henry as his lover.


His work was never published within his lifetime, but he was one of the leading poets of the English Renaissance. During his time in Italy, he picked up the works of Petrarch and introduced Italian models and poetic forms into English verse, including the sonnet.







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