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温家宝总理部属防控猪流感工作  新华网    2009-04-29    



Premier Wen calls for strengthened swine flu prevention


  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Tuesday called for enhanced swine flu prevention and control in a State Council, or Cabinet, meeting in the wake of an outbreak of the epidemic in countries including Mexico.

  The meeting, presided over by Wen, heard reports from central government departments including the Ministry of Health, on global swine flu situation.

  As of Tuesday morning, no cases of the illness had been reported in China, and the similar virus has not been found in pigs in China, said a meeting release.

  However, the Hong Kong Center for Health Protection said Monday that a Hong Kong woman who developed symptoms of respiratory infection and fever while traveling in the United States was being tested for swine flu.

  "The Communist Party of China Central Committee and the government has paid great attention to the epidemic situation in countries such as Mexico, and the government has taken emergent measures to strengthen monitoring and prevention work," the release said.

  The meeting did not exclude the possibility that the epidemic could spread to China as "the situation in some countries is developing, more suspected cases have been found and the epidemic-stricken area is expanding."

  The meeting called for maintaining high alert and taking effective measures to closely monitor the epidemic situation, safeguard people's health and safety and ensure a smooth social production order.

  It also released eight measures for disease prevention:

  -- Relevant government departments should follow up the latest development of the disease around the world, and step up cooperation with foreign countries as well as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao;

  -- A joint prevention and control mechanism, including the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, should be established to make emergency plans and monitor the entire disease prevention process;

  -- Local entry-exit inspection and quarantine authorities should improve their work, enhancing the examination and disinfection on people and vehicles coming back from disease-plagued countries, to prevent the entry of the illness;






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