Richard Voltz简介


  此外,沃尔兹·理查德博士已经在伊利诺斯州东部大学以副教授的身份工作了12年。 他教授的课程有:学校财务,学校法律,监督管理,数据管理,人事管理以及教育管理概论。

  在担任学校主管(17年)和学校行政官员的28年的时间里, 沃尔兹·理查德博士已经在州级和国家级会议中作过30多场主题演讲。

  沃尔兹·理查德博士一直为上级主管以及地方行政官员作主题演讲,内容涉及学校管理者使用的Web 2.0工具。他的演讲深受欢迎,已经有200多名伊利诺斯州官员圆满的结束了这次的活动,另有400名官员将于未来几个月内参加该项活动。

Richard Voltz

Dr. Richard Voltz currently serves as the Illinois Association of School Administrators Associate Director. In his role, Dr. Voltz has produced more than 50 podcasts for Illinois administrators. These podcasts have included interviews with national experts on such topics as school security, principal leadership and "smart walks." Tutorial podcasts have also been developed on topics such as how to make a tax levy presentation to a local board of education and how to use the school board association interactive policy development web site.

In addition, he has been an adjunct professor at Eastern Illinois University for twelve years. Dr. Voltz teaches courses in School Finance, School Law, Superintendency, Principalship, Data Management for Administrators, Personnel and Introduction to Educational Administration.

Through his tenures as school superintendent for 17 years and a school administrator for a total of 28 years, Dr. Voltz has made over 30 presentations at state and national conferences.

Dr. Voltz has been making presentations to superintendents and district level administrators on the topic of Web 2.0 tools for school administrators. This workshop has been extremely well received with over 200 Illinois administrators already completing this workshop and another 400 administrators scheduled to attend this all day workshop in the next couple of months.

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